Environmental Review

Photo of Fremont

Determining whether a proposed development project will create an environmental impact is an important part of the development approval process. The City's Planning Division currently processes Environmental Impact Assessments for most projects within Fremont.

Depending on the scope of the project and its anticipated impacts, one or more of the following documents may have to be prepared:

  • Initial Study - A preliminary analysis prepared to determine whether a negative declaration, mitigated negative declaration, or environmental impact report should be prepared
  • Negative Declaration - A statement briefly describing the reasons that a proposed project will not have a significant impact on the environment
  • Mitigated Negative Declaration - A statement similar to a negative declaration that includes measures to reduce or mitigate potential impacts to a point where no significant impact on the environment will occur
  • Environmental Impact Report (EIR) - Detailed report that identifies potentially significant impacts which may include significant and unavoidable impacts of the project

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) also provides classes or categories of projects pre-determined to be "exempt" from environmental review because they would not have a significant effect on the environment. Exemptions from CEQA are commonly referred to as Statutory or Categorical Exemptions (CEQA Guidelines Sections 15260 and 15300). The City may file a "Notice of Exemption" (NOE) following approval of a project with the Alameda County Clerk-Recorder's Office, but preparation of an NOE is not required under CEQA.


Decisions about environmental impacts are governed by CEQA.

Environmental review information is available below for development projects in Fremont. Please review the documents for information on each project's environmental review. Projects will continue to be added to this list.

The documents are provided for public review (Section 15087 of the CEQA Guidelines). Technical appendices for the following environmental documents can be made available upon request by contacting the contact person listed for each project.

38134 Temple Way Residential Project (PLN2023-00270)
2023 Code Update - Housing Element Implementation (PLN2023-00213)
2024 Short Term Rental Ordinance
2023 Accessory Dwelling Unit Zoning Text Amendment - Citywide (PLN2023-00218)
Mission Peak Village (PLN2023-00134)
Applied Materials R&D Facility (PLN2022-00402)
Fremont Bank (PLN2019-00220)
Warm Springs Boulevard Rezoning (PLN2020-00039)
BayRock (PLN2019-00170)
Warm Springs Wellness Center (PLN2019-00014)
Islander Motel Redevelopment (PLN2018-00191)
Mission Clay (PLN2018-00272)
Villas at Mission (PLN2015-00149)
General Plan Update